Our newest three books were published in the autumn program by KOSMOS
EIN GUTES DUTZEND – HEILENDE PFLANZEN finden & nutzen: Healing power from nature – we present the 12 most important and most common medicinal plants in detail and illustrate many recipes and applications. EIN GUTES DUTZEND – WILDE KRÄUTER finden & geniessen: Delicacies from nature – our book presents the 12 most important and most […]

Feeding birds – species appropriate & sustainable
We have been feeding birds on our property for many years now – this helps the birds enormously and offers us great opportunities for observation and photography. Over the years we have tried and discarded a lot and finally learned what birds really love and what is good for them. Our new book „Meine Vogel […]

We are excited to announce: Our latest book has been published 😀☀🌺! – Translated: Can I eat this – or will it kill me? – … we are of the opinion that one does not have to be a botanist to use wild plants directly from nature: It is enough to simply know those you want to […]
New in our archive: HIGH-SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY
MOTIONS, THAT ARE INVISIBLE TO THE NAKED HUMAN EYE Capturing moments that happen in a fraction of time we are not able to perceive without special technics and proceedings – this is what has fascinated us the last year up to now. The so called High-Speed photography works with light barriers, special objective lenses, a control unit and […]
350.000 – Thank you!
Our „Nature Guide to Go“ just now achieved the 350.000 check mark – the 5.th revised edition is lying warm and fresh in front of us! Hence is has been sold more than 350.000 times, translated into 7 different languages and edited as E-book. […]
Making tea out of wild fruit
September is a great month to take a walk, gather some wild fruit and prepare a vitamin-packed tea out of them. For our tea we collected elder, blackthorn, hawthorn, dog-rose and apples. Just choose what you like and find, as long as it’s eatable! But watch out: blackthorn fruit will taste awful unless they’ve had […]
Helping hedgehogs
Often it’s just the little things that really help a lot. If you would like to help hedgehogs, late summer is a great time to do so. Fine brushwood in combination with dry foliage quickly turns into a fine shelter for winter sleep which gets even more comfortable if you turn a wodden box into […]
Our new field guide – in german, french & dutch
We’re very happy that our new field guide has also been translated into french and dutch. Thank you very much!
Kids construct a pond for frogs & dragonflies
There were about 20 schoolkids between 8 and 10 years old – and they wanted frogs and dragonflies! ..couldn’t be so difficult, could it? So a handful of parents got together to do some planing. But the real work had to be done by the kids themselves. And they did! So was it difficult? Not […]
Feeding birds in winter
You love birds? You love to bake cookies? So why not bake some cookies for birds? It’s a fun thing to do, especially with children. If you hang-up your cookies outside in front of your window you will have the opportunity not only to watch your little works of art but also to watch the […]
Little world of dwarfs
When the days get darker it’s the right time for dwarfs to show up. So if it’s not so easy to motivate your kids for a walk outside, why not look out for dwarfs in the woods? And if you shall not succeed in finding any – just collect some nature material and create your […]
Our wolve photos moved on to some really great posters in the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt. Thank you very much! …more wolve photos here
Snow-hedgehog and dog-rose-heart Snow is such a great material for animal-loving little artists! Ever seen a snow-hedgehog, a snow-hare or a snow-fox ? If you like to, we love to invite you to have a look at our galery. Have a nice time!
Secret little hazel dormouse
She is small, shy and rare – so it’s been quite a time untill we finally met a hazel dormouse! Now we are very happy being able to present to you some really nice photos. Would like to see some more photos? Please have a look at our galery. In nature most […]
Time for nest boxes
Taking care of nest boxes is a great project for the whole family. And next spring you will have double joy – when the birds enter and fill your garden with the most beautiful songs. Already known? After breeding time it’s a good thing to clean nest boxes because otherwise the birdflees might torture next […]